Son interface utilisateur graphique est similaire à celle d’Explorer et il supporte des connexions multiples vers des bases de données locales et distantes. pour MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL et Microsoft SQL Server.

MariaDB > GRANT ALL ON linuxshelltips_db.* TO MariaDB > CREATE DATABASE linuxshelltips_db MariaDB > CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY "Your_preferred_db_user_password" $ mysql -u root -pĬreate a database user, database, and assign control over the created database to the user.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installationĪccess your MariaDB database with the new root user credentials you just created. The following MySQL security script lets you set a root database user password, disallow remote login if necessary, and remove anonymous database users among other configurations. Check MySQL Status in AlmaLinux Securing MariaDB in AlmaLinux The latter command checks to ensure that your MariaDB database software is up and running. Next, start and enable the MariaDB database server to keep running even after the computer hosting it restarts or gets a shutdown request and reboots afterward.